Thursday, February 26, 2015

Do I want to be a teacher? Why?

As I mentioned before, I am a EFL student. I choose this department because there are many opportunies when I become a teacher. For example, I will have so many experiences. I will meet different type of people. Especially, dealing with students who are different from each other is the hardest part of being teacher. However, this difficulty will make me more powerful person. At the end, I will gain many experiences. Also, when I become a teacher, it does not mean that I will have learned everything about English. I learned  in the past, I am learning now and of course I am going to learn so many things in the next following years. Lastly, the most appropriate job for me is being teacher because it has a really available schedule. So, I can spend my time on other things like meeting my friends and family. This is important for me since I have to live my life in a good and value my time.
 This year I hope I will increase my GPA and improve myself in every field. The important wish is to make my family proud of me because of my success. Also, by the time I graduate, I want to continue my education in abroad because the only way I can improve my English is living in a country which has native English speakers.

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