Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My life, my personality and my everything

    My name is Duygu ÇAKIRCI. I was born on October 10th 1994. I am a Turkish citizen and this makes me feel happy because this beautiful country overcame many difficulties few years ago and our great people never gave up this country. That's why I proud of it. I am currently at Middle East Technical University studying Teaching English as a Foreign Language because there are many opportunities when people become a teacher like job, experiences, etc. What I like about my studies is getting new experience and learning everyday. What I dislike about it is also being so hard to be successful. My home is in Izmir, Turkey and I have lived here since I was born. My favorite activities are singing and dancing. I love to do these because these make me feel more comfortable and free while doing these. I love to say being respectful and honored are the most important things for human beings and my most over-used saying is thanking people always when they do me even a little favor. My favorite meal involves steak and my favorite snack food is absolutely chocolate! The person who supports me the most is my mother and in my life she has helped me to deal with all my problems. The best time of the day for me is the day coming back HOME! because I feel more comfortable and happier with my family rather than staying in a dorm room. My greatest inspiration and role-model is my mother because she got through so many difficulties and she never gave up on his thoughts. At the end, she become really successful. 
    When I was a little I remember that my brother was caring too much and everyone can see this interest but now he cannot show his feeling like old times. My childhood was generally negative this is because my mother and father was arguing almost everyday. I always found school to be difficult and this is because I am little bit lazy person and it is hard for me to get up early. Even NOW! The best teacher I have ever had was my math teacher in private course because he is clever and funny. Even though I hated math in primary school, he made me love the math. The worst teacher I have ever had was Turkish teacher in primary school because I did not understand some subjects and my mother told her about this situation. However, what she had done to me was just embarrassed me in front of all my classmates. The best thing anyone has ever said to me is I can be free and I should not change who I am.
   In my twenties I hope to achieve to finish university with good grades. In my thirties, I hope to achieve to have a beautiful and happy life with my family. In my fourties, I hope to achive to become successful and travel many places as much as I can. I know for sure that I will always protect my family and I will never leave them alone.
  I believe that I am happy while I am doing benefical things in my life. Also, It is important that being part of something special like performing Musical with a beautiful crew makes me special.

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