Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Designing Instructional Activities: Differentiated Instruction

In the video, Chris has interesting approaches. I like the idea that is aparting students according to their levels. If a teacher knows his/her students' level and changes his/her goals and objectives according to them, this makes them comprehend and focus on the subject. Because different children have different comprehension and intelligence. Chris's aim is to let students sail there. That is, if they feel free and comfortable, they can take a risk and comprehend what they learn in that manner.
I can remember that kind of teacher in my primary school. She was my English teacher. She had a good relationship with students and she was paying more attention to students. She was trying to find out who understood or who did not understand the subject. As a result of this, she had differentiated the instruction one by one. For me, I understood the subject thanks to visual aids so she gave me handouts which included pictures, colours, etc. 
 Taking risk is the most powerful and sophisticated quality for me. I think when I am more experienced and rely on my works, I will probably do this. I will encourage my students to take risks in completing assignment when I am a teacher because taking risk can motivate them and they feel safe by doing it. Thanks to this, they can understand and learn well.


  1. I agree with your idea which is''children have different comprehension and intelligence'' so knowing that information remind to theachers looking for the learners different tasks and materials. This also helps them.The idea you have shared with us is completely same with mine. '' taking risk can motivate to learner '' that's what I have mentioned in by blog as you. I do not agree with your observation on Chris' aim. Because I don't think '' let student sail '' mentioned by her to mean that ''if they feel free and comfortable''. I think it is said for the purpose of looking for what is their ability, i mean, exploring themselves is aimed. In addition to these, your teacher is an example of differentiated Instruction and thanks to her you have recognized that your visual intelligence is higher than your other intelligence . In my sight, to expose it is an achievement :) Thank you

  2. Thank you, Alev for your comment. I agree with you. Chris' aim is of course to explore themself freely but by doing that, aren't they feel comfortable and safe? I mean when I do something on my own without observation, I feel comfortable and safe. Even I make mistakes. It makes me stronger, I may have some doubts but I can use my words freely.

  3. Dear Duygu,
    This is a well explained work! Thanks! In addition to what you said, the teacher who wants to achieve what you mentioned above needs to comprehend and apply the strategies s/he will use. S/he needs to know how to do it certainly. Otherwise, this strategy fails.

  4. Thank you, Dilan. I agree with you. Yes, if the teacher should not know how to apply the strategies, not only it fails but also it effects the students' success. This is the most important part of being effective for teachers.

  5. This is a masterpiece Duygu, I really really liked your post especially the part that you quoted from the video scenes, "children have a different comprehension and intelligence" i totally agree with your idea and the notion that supplying the visual aids, handouts etc. could be very useful in that context , as you said taking risks both can be powerful and sophisticated but one thing is for certain.. taking risks works in educational world.
