Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Teaching as a Profession: Collaboration with Colleagues

In the video, the speakers clearly describe what collaboration is. Working as a group makes your life easier because sometimes people cannot deal with some issues and do it on their own. I had some experiences during my education life. So far I have worked with so many people as a group thanks to presentations and assignments. First of all, working in that way improved my mind and I figured out what I should have done and changed in my studies. Also, looking at the big picture from various viewpoints part of this collaboration. The speaker in the video says that different voices lend to a better outcomes. I absolutely agree with this idea. That is, different perspectives can help me to become better.
As I said before, collaboration helps me to improve myself, deal with problems easily and become better. However, I have some difficulties to get along with the others because I am shy and introverted person. This is my weakness of collaboration. I cannot get close to the one that I do not know well. That's the one and only problem for me to interact with other. When I overcome this problem eventually, I can be more relieved and I can focus on my studies. In order to overcome this problem, I  am trying to be more comfortable and I say to myself in that situation: " There is nothing to worry about. If I want to improve myself, I should get along and interact with people. " After I encourage myself, I can relieve. 
Being collaborator is really important for myself and others. If I express myself in a correct manner, debate certain issues with the others and take risk of making that outreach, I will be an appropriate collaborator.


  1. Hi Duygu! I read your post and it is really good because I have same thoughts with you. :P :) we've get lots of experiences from collaborating right :) I also know that you are a little bit shy but it's not a big deal. I am sure that you can overcome your problem very easily. Don't worry about it. :)

  2. Hi Duygu,as you have mentioned in your post, if working in this way improved your mind and figured out what you should have done and changed your study skills, you had such a big experience thank to collaboration ! It sounds amazing. I agree totally your ideas and examples you underlined and these prove us more expectation about the work and also tend us to look for the better one . Researching is not a easy procedure so as you said in this situation exchanging ideas is the most usefull thing that we can do so decision that we agree altogether shoul be satisfied by everyone . The other thing I want to comment on is your syness. I think you should dea with it at the earliest time to illustrate there is no one for you to hesitate, this is our second year on department and this is your third year on campus. We are as a big family, here we see eachother more than we see our families so I advice you to relinquish this habit then it will help you in the future :)

  3. Im really glad to hear these from you, Alev. Thank you for your beautiful advice. :)

  4. I hope, Gunay. Thank you again. :)

  5. Hi Duygu, I have the same experience when it comes to collaboration in education, you mentioned about assignments and presentations, in METU NCC those assignments and presentations made a huge difference about your thinking as I comprehend from your post, same thing goes for me. In my university background which is METU NCC for one and a half year i encountered same peer works just like you that makes me join your side about that topic. Thank you for your post

  6. Hi Duygu :) I like what you have to say about collaboration and mentioning positive aspects of it. When it comes to you being shy and introverted, I can see how that makes things a little harder for you, but it is not a weakness in my opinion, it is just the way you are and it is fine to be that way because that is a personality trait :) I think it helped more for you to bring it up on here so that people that dont know you (like me) will be aware of this characteristic of yours and hopefully make it a little easier on you :)

  7. Hi Duygu,
    It has been two years that we have known each other. However, one doesn't need to spend this whole time to realize that you are an introverted and shy person :) I am also introverted and shy but not as much as you. I think it is because you can't trust people easily. Maybe you're afraid of being hurt more than anyone else. However, do you know what, your inner peace is very powerful :) As you don't have many people around you and you don't spend much time with them, you are away from problems. For some people, it is not that harmful but for us, like you and me, we are vulnerable, unfortunately. Anyways, we know what to do ;)
    Stay cool my friend
