Monday, April 20, 2015

Constructivist Debate

Constructivism approach is to learn actively and it based on observation through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. For students, they shoul be an active creators of their own knowledge. That is, Sarabinh’s approach is consistent with a constructivist learning philosophy. Because by using this theory, she takes some risks and she should be careful while guiding and monitoring students in a meaningful way. This process is really heplful for students because of some reasons. First of all, debating is priority for constructivism. So, debating some problems help students think in conflicting way. And this make them understand and stick the subject in their mind. Also, thanks to interaction, it forces to join some introverted students the class and this make them more comfortable and active in class. Moreover, while debating and conflicting, students broad their horizons because of information exchange. Beside these positive sides, there can be drawback while using this theory. Teacher is more important factor in this theory because if the teacher isnt qualified well, there can be some issues/problems. Like I mentioned before, teacher should monitor and guide students well. Otherwise, students get confused and conflict can be turned into a disaster. Teacher should be careful and clear while giving the instruction. And also, timing is very important because some students are really talkative and some students are really shy. So, in order to be fair for them time-limited should be used in that approach. In the future, when I become teacher, I can use this theory because I believe interaction is the most effective way to teach students. However, being teacher is not enough. I have to be effective and qualified and I should never stop learning. Thus, I will be more comfortable when I am qualified and effective teacher.


  1. Hi Duygu :) You explained constructivist ideas very well. I aggre with your opinion, I am also thinking that interaction is really important factor in learning. The students exchange many information between them and use them. As a result of having discussion and being in an interaction, thier knowledge store will improve.

  2. Hi Duygu, I agree with you. You mentioned some points that I like. Teacher should be careful about guiding students. Because every student has a different perspective towards the classroom and other students. Also, interaction helps students all the time. They both develop their speaking skill and their personality. So, constructivism has negative and positive sides as you said. Thank you for your comments :)

  3. Thank you Fatih for your comment. Yes' Discussion ist he part of the learning and the most effective thing for students.

  4. Thank you, İrem. I am glad you like my post. Different perspectives are necessary for improving and comprehending. Yes, speaking skill can be developed as well. :)
