Friday, May 15, 2015

Changing the educational paradigm

In the video, Sir Ken Robinson's idea about changing the educational paradigm. First of all, Sir Ken Robinson is an English author, speaker and international advisor on education in the arts to government, non-profits, education and arts bodies.
I agree with the idea of changes in the education system. Separating the areas of lectures, divergent thinking, etc. are really effective in the education because of some reasons. First , separating the subject is really essential for the learners because knowing oneself where students stand help their cognitive learning. Other reason is the divergent thinking which is essential for the creative thinking. It is an essential capacity for creativity. I mean creativeness is different from person to person. When teacher asks a question, students create an image in their mind different things in order to explore many possible solutions. That's why, this thinking is really important for the changes the educational paradigm.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Promoting Growth Mindsets in Teaching

Thanks to mindsets, students hold about their intellectual ability can have a significant impact on their motivation and success in school. Also, their intelligence may improve and their effort is affected in a positive manner. This also increases their challenges in order to learn more.
My name in Calligrraphy style ( It is not exact style )
In my primary school years, I had a teacher who promoted growth mindsetes in teaching. He always created a challenge in class environment and after that he gave us a feedback about this challenge.Also, we always debate each other. Teacher gave us two topics such as: "Who knows better; traveller or reader?" My teacher also rewarded and praised us who are better in class in that day. The one who is succesful, our teacher wrote our names in paper with Calligraphy style. It seems now simple thing but we would be so happy when we got that. This experience increased my grades because it gave me more confident and I believed that If I comprehend more, I will be more succesful. That's how I motivate myself. Thanks to these, I believe I grow my intelligence.OF COURSE THANKS TO MY TEACHER! :)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Constructivist Debate

Constructivism approach is to learn actively and it based on observation through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. For students, they shoul be an active creators of their own knowledge. That is, Sarabinh’s approach is consistent with a constructivist learning philosophy. Because by using this theory, she takes some risks and she should be careful while guiding and monitoring students in a meaningful way. This process is really heplful for students because of some reasons. First of all, debating is priority for constructivism. So, debating some problems help students think in conflicting way. And this make them understand and stick the subject in their mind. Also, thanks to interaction, it forces to join some introverted students the class and this make them more comfortable and active in class. Moreover, while debating and conflicting, students broad their horizons because of information exchange. Beside these positive sides, there can be drawback while using this theory. Teacher is more important factor in this theory because if the teacher isnt qualified well, there can be some issues/problems. Like I mentioned before, teacher should monitor and guide students well. Otherwise, students get confused and conflict can be turned into a disaster. Teacher should be careful and clear while giving the instruction. And also, timing is very important because some students are really talkative and some students are really shy. So, in order to be fair for them time-limited should be used in that approach. In the future, when I become teacher, I can use this theory because I believe interaction is the most effective way to teach students. However, being teacher is not enough. I have to be effective and qualified and I should never stop learning. Thus, I will be more comfortable when I am qualified and effective teacher.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Gagne's nine steps of learning was criticized because it is insufficient for self-learning and ineffective in adult teaching. Do you agree with this statement? Why/why not?

I don't think in that way just because of his military purpose. I think Gagne's nine steps of learning is really successful. All steps are really good for the instruction. However, recording the characteristic of the learners is the most effective way of learning for the students because different students have different intelligence. So by knowing them, instructors can be more expericenced  and they can know how to teach students in a controlled manner. Thus, I believe this Gagne's conditions of learning should not be named as a insufficient and ineffective.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Designing Instructional Activities: Differentiated Instruction

In the video, Chris has interesting approaches. I like the idea that is aparting students according to their levels. If a teacher knows his/her students' level and changes his/her goals and objectives according to them, this makes them comprehend and focus on the subject. Because different children have different comprehension and intelligence. Chris's aim is to let students sail there. That is, if they feel free and comfortable, they can take a risk and comprehend what they learn in that manner.
I can remember that kind of teacher in my primary school. She was my English teacher. She had a good relationship with students and she was paying more attention to students. She was trying to find out who understood or who did not understand the subject. As a result of this, she had differentiated the instruction one by one. For me, I understood the subject thanks to visual aids so she gave me handouts which included pictures, colours, etc. 
 Taking risk is the most powerful and sophisticated quality for me. I think when I am more experienced and rely on my works, I will probably do this. I will encourage my students to take risks in completing assignment when I am a teacher because taking risk can motivate them and they feel safe by doing it. Thanks to this, they can understand and learn well.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Teaching as a Profession: Collaboration with Colleagues

In the video, the speakers clearly describe what collaboration is. Working as a group makes your life easier because sometimes people cannot deal with some issues and do it on their own. I had some experiences during my education life. So far I have worked with so many people as a group thanks to presentations and assignments. First of all, working in that way improved my mind and I figured out what I should have done and changed in my studies. Also, looking at the big picture from various viewpoints part of this collaboration. The speaker in the video says that different voices lend to a better outcomes. I absolutely agree with this idea. That is, different perspectives can help me to become better.
As I said before, collaboration helps me to improve myself, deal with problems easily and become better. However, I have some difficulties to get along with the others because I am shy and introverted person. This is my weakness of collaboration. I cannot get close to the one that I do not know well. That's the one and only problem for me to interact with other. When I overcome this problem eventually, I can be more relieved and I can focus on my studies. In order to overcome this problem, I  am trying to be more comfortable and I say to myself in that situation: " There is nothing to worry about. If I want to improve myself, I should get along and interact with people. " After I encourage myself, I can relieve. 
Being collaborator is really important for myself and others. If I express myself in a correct manner, debate certain issues with the others and take risk of making that outreach, I will be an appropriate collaborator.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My superteacher be like:

 My SUPERTEACHER should be easy-going. He has to chose his decision very quickly and deal  with students calmly. He should understand students' feeling without judgment. Also, he should be assertive because he has to express himself in a direct way without violeting students' right. Lastly, he should control himself and students whether he does effective things. So, he can improve himself by observing behaviours.